The Brands Scheme © |

The use of brands is an important part of each organisation. Organisations use a variation of different brands, even if they are not conscious of this.
Yet this unconscious use of brands has a large impact on organisations. After all, the wrong usage of a brand has major consequences for the organisation.
Brand Variations
To gain clarity of what "a wrong brand" is, we must split up the "brands" and define the differences. We defined 5 brand definitions which can be used independently as well as in combination with one another.
Company (corporate) brand
Product brand
Service brand
Personal brand
Visual brand
To visualise the relation between these brands, The Brands Scheme © was developed.
The Brands Scheme ©
The different Brands can each other as well strengthen as disturb. To see the whole picture, we must define the similarities and the differences.
This is explained further on the following websites: